SAP Resources
Ohio Model Student Assistance Program (SAP) Manual
The SAP Manual outlines the Ohio SAP model, defines a Student Assistance Team (SAT), offers guidance for implementing the SAP continuum of services. reviews cooperation and collaboration with community agencies and resources, and outlines components of effective SAPs. Additional resources for implementing a SAP are linked throughout the document.
Ohio School Wellness Initiative (OSWI) Fidelity Checklist and Action Planning Template
The fidelity checklist outlines best practices for implementing the OSWI SAP and Staff Wellness model framework. Schools can use this tool to rate their school’s existing practices for each item and the priority for improvement. This tool is intended to guide the discussion, goal setting, and action planning. Pages 7-10 provide a Goals and Action Planning Template for schools to identify their top priorities and action steps.
Example Case Management Meeting Agenda
This document provides guidance for conducting case management meetings, including agenda items, best practices, meeting information, meeting sign-in, new student referrals, updates on prior student referrals, mental health and drug/alcohol updates, and other business/information to share in the case management meeting.
Example SAP Referral Form
This document provides an example SAP referral form template, which can be used to make referrals to the SAP. The form has space to record the student’s name and grade, date of referral, name and contact information for the referrer, reason for referral, detail about concerns, description of student’s strengths/assets, previously tried interventions, and any other relevant information. Schools can customize the form to align with their policies and procedures.
SAP Student Support Team Example Agenda
Student Support Team (SST) meetings are a type of SAT meeting where the team plans support for student concerns (may also be referred to as a problem-solving meeting). This Example Student Support Team (SST) Meeting Agenda provides an example agenda and form to document meeting minutes. The document summarizes meeting details, concern identification and analysis, plan development and evaluation, and next steps.
OSWI Teaming Planning Template
The Student Assistance Team (SAT) Planning Template outlines best practices for forming and organizing your school’s SAT. The editable template can be used to assign team roles, identify the meeting location, and organize future meetings. This document also defines and describes different types of SAT meetings.
Sample Brochure School SAP
This powerpoint sample template provides an example marketing tool to provide information on SAP to teachers, caregivers, staff, students, and community members. As a PowerPoint document, it is able to be edited to fit your school’s needs. Sections that are highlighted must be filled in with your school’s information. Distributing a SAP brochure can assist with building awareness for the SAP.
Ohio Student Assistance Programs (SAPs): Program Evaluation Toolkit
This document outlines a process for conducting a SAP program evaluation (plan for evaluation; implement evaluation; reflect, examine, and adjust; and share results) and links to example surveys and tools. The toolkit also provides sample SAP evaluation questions and measures.
SAT Members Survey for Program Evaluation
In order to improve the functioning of the Student Assistance Team (SAT) and maintain high-quality service, feedback from the team should be collected regularly. This document provides a brief 25-item survey for SAT members to complete to assess current functioning and identify areas for improvement. Schools can administer this survey to SAT members annually or when information on SAT functioning is desired.
SAP Caregiver Participant Satisfaction Survey
Caregivers are key partners in the Student Assistance Program (SAP). As such, the Student Assistance Team (SAT) should regularly assess and monitor caregiver satisfaction with the SAP. This includes caregiver perceptions on SAP professionalism, information flow, and relationship building to identify current concerns and opportunities for improvement. Schools can administer the survey to caregivers at the conclusion of the SAP process or at the end of the school year.
SAP Staff Satisfaction Survey
Input and staff partnership are critical to the improvement of the Student Assistance Program (SAP). This document provides a brief staff survey to assess the functioning of the SAP and Student Assistance Team (SAT) from the staff’s perspective. Schools can administer this survey to staff annually or when information on SAP functioning is desired.
SAP Student Participation Satisfaction Survey
This document provides a brief survey to assess student satisfaction with the Student Assistance Program (SAP). Students involved with the SAP can share their perceptions on the helpfulness, accessibility, relationship-building, change, and impact of the SAP to identify current concerns and opportunities for improvement. This survey has 17 questions to rate and one optional extended response. Schools can administer the survey to students at the conclusion of the SAP process or at the end of the school year.
SAP Example After Referral Caregiver Script
Student Assistance Team (SAT) members may use this sample script to facilitate initial conversations with caregivers after their student is referred to the Student Assistance Program (SAP). This document provides a sample script to review the reason for the referral, discuss the purpose of the SAP, and learn the caregiver’s perspective. The document also contains an example question and answer section to review commonly asked questions.
OSWI Example Consent to SAP Process & Screening of Individual Student
This document provides an example consent to the Student Assistance Program (SAP) process and screening of for services. Schools can adapt the form to align with their school processes and legal guidance. Caregivers can indicate the level of consent and preferred contact methods on the form.
OSWI Example Consent to Services Within SAP
This document provides an example Student Assistance Program School-Based Service Plan and Consent Form for use after an intervention is identified. Schools can adapt the form to align with their school processes and legal guidance. The form should outline the service/intervention/program, identify goals and progress monitoring plans, and state the frequency of the intervention/service/program. The intervention plan should be developed in partnership with caregivers and the student.
Advocating for Student Assistance Program (SAP) Policies and Guidelines
This document is intended to assist Student Assistance Teams (SATs) in advocating for Student Assistance Program (SAP) policies and administrative guidelines. The document outlines recommendations for SAP policies and guidelines, identifies components of strong SAP policies, and describes the differences between school policy and administrative guidelines.